List of requirements for Board of Advisors
1. Educational background college degree or degrees
2. Sufficient Experience in the structuring of deals that have actually happened
3. Sufficient Experience in operating a successful business
4. Sufficient Prior experience as an officer or director of a company
5. Personality compatibility and approval of at least one other advisor without losing any other advisor because of admission
6. Minimal size of deals accomplished $50 mm
7. Preferably post graduate degrees
8. Minimum experience in above referred businesses of 30 years
9. Willing to work without salary, for minimum of 10% of cash raised; 20% of equity in company
10. Willing to share fees for raising funds or advising with other board of advisor members who work on deal on a to be determined basis between the parties involved
11. Willing to sign pre approved NDA, Advisor Agreement and Indemnity Agreement
Items to be included in agreement or rules
a. All members of advisors board are free to refer projects to any other advisor freely and work out compensation on an ad hoc basis depending upon what has to be done. All advisors who participate in project by working on it and accomplishing something will be treated fairly.
b. All members are free to refer projects to any other third person or entity free of financial obligations to advisors unless the deal comes from an advisor and then the situation is covered by 1 above.
c. Advisor agree to be available to advise other advisor on an basis agreed to between the parties
d. Members of the board of advisors are not liable to the LLC for anything except costs incurred on deals handled through the board or its members and those costs are subject to preapproval of the member or members who is involved in that deal
e. In order to defray the cost of setting up the LLC, Post office boxes forwarding mail to members, Set up and website management stationary business cards each member of the board of advisors will contribute the sum of 1% of operating expenses per year. All expenses will be agreed to in advance and enumerated and accounted for.
f. The board of advisors will decide what cities they would like to have a presence in., At this time we can have offices in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Capetown, San Diego, Miami (would like one in London) (Would like one in Dubai, Viet Nam, China, and Singapore) These would require an advisor to be from those places and collect and distribute mail that comes to them.
g. If deals come under FINRA jurisdiction of SEC Jurisdiction of SEC Case Law regarding compensation and consulting fees are not allowed to be paid some method will be worked out to resolve a fair resolution of the problem
h. If any deals are non-public and have no future IPO in Finra or SEC jurisdiction then normal compensation rules will apply which are generally accepted in the industry.
1. Educational background college degree or degrees
2. Sufficient Experience in the structuring of deals that have actually happened
3. Sufficient Experience in operating a successful business
4. Sufficient Prior experience as an officer or director of a company
5. Personality compatibility and approval of at least one other advisor without losing any other advisor because of admission
6. Minimal size of deals accomplished $50 mm
7. Preferably post graduate degrees
8. Minimum experience in above referred businesses of 30 years
9. Willing to work without salary, for minimum of 10% of cash raised; 20% of equity in company
10. Willing to share fees for raising funds or advising with other board of advisor members who work on deal on a to be determined basis between the parties involved
11. Willing to sign pre approved NDA, Advisor Agreement and Indemnity Agreement
Items to be included in agreement or rules
a. All members of advisors board are free to refer projects to any other advisor freely and work out compensation on an ad hoc basis depending upon what has to be done. All advisors who participate in project by working on it and accomplishing something will be treated fairly.
b. All members are free to refer projects to any other third person or entity free of financial obligations to advisors unless the deal comes from an advisor and then the situation is covered by 1 above.
c. Advisor agree to be available to advise other advisor on an basis agreed to between the parties
d. Members of the board of advisors are not liable to the LLC for anything except costs incurred on deals handled through the board or its members and those costs are subject to preapproval of the member or members who is involved in that deal
e. In order to defray the cost of setting up the LLC, Post office boxes forwarding mail to members, Set up and website management stationary business cards each member of the board of advisors will contribute the sum of 1% of operating expenses per year. All expenses will be agreed to in advance and enumerated and accounted for.
f. The board of advisors will decide what cities they would like to have a presence in., At this time we can have offices in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Capetown, San Diego, Miami (would like one in London) (Would like one in Dubai, Viet Nam, China, and Singapore) These would require an advisor to be from those places and collect and distribute mail that comes to them.
g. If deals come under FINRA jurisdiction of SEC Jurisdiction of SEC Case Law regarding compensation and consulting fees are not allowed to be paid some method will be worked out to resolve a fair resolution of the problem
h. If any deals are non-public and have no future IPO in Finra or SEC jurisdiction then normal compensation rules will apply which are generally accepted in the industry.